With our C.N.C milling we can offer a range of services, from small to medium production batches and one off jobs, with the quick tool change system offering maximum time saving where production batches have more than one tool operation. Our C.N.C milling and engineers can hold tight tolerance on any milling processes.

Here at Statfold Engineering Ltd we pride ourselves on a fast turnaround for customers who need a job doing fast but remaining a high standard of work with a 100% customer satisfaction.

CNC Turning

With our C.N.C turning we can offer a range of services from small to medium production batches and one off jobs, our larger C.N.C has a 3-metre bed and a swing of 780mm over the bed.

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The four-station auto index tool post means we can offer maximum time saving where production runs have more than one tool operation. Our C.NC turning and engineers can hold tight tolerances on any turning operations.

Here at Statfold Engineering Ltd we pride ourselves on a fast turnaround for customers who need a job doing fast but remaining a high standard of work with a 100% satisfaction.


call us on 01827 839468